Of the five senses that human beings possess, smell is perhaps the one with the most memories and associations with places, moments and experiences.

Smelling is a trigger for memory and nostalgia. The human brain is capable of recognizing up to a trillion different odors.

When a smell reaches our nose, the brain immediately begins to search its memory bank for an event, a person or a situation until it finds a link that links it to that particular fragrance. That’s why we remember people by the perfumes they wear; a space that has a particular smell such as a clothing store or smells that are typical of a practice, ritual or activity such as a religious temple or a hospital.

Our home or workplace also has its own smell, possibly not as marked as the previous examples. However, that characteristic smell can be modified, accompanied with other aromas and even completely replaced, that is where the science of smells or smell as it is known comes into the scene, which, taken to the commercial field, has been in charge of developing essences and artificial fragrances to set spaces, objects and people, as in the case of lotions and perfumes.



Just like the selection of colours, textures and materials for a house, apartment, office or commercial space, their selection is due to personal tastes and the way in which the furniture and decoration elements are arranged.

That is why the different scents and home fresheners cause different sensations, both in the mind and in the body. That is why the effects will depend on the space in the house in which we place it and the type of activity that is carried out.

The choice of a scent is a matter of taste, but you have to know how to choose.

The first thing is to identify the sources that produce odors and that we can use and combine. Among the most common are:

Baskets with flowers, scented plants, herbs, leaves and bark of trees, as well as the sap itself.

Candles, incense and oils.

Dispersers of artificial fragrances, manual or timed.

Fresh seasonal flowers arranged in vases.

Fruits that give off odors such as mango, tangerine or orange.

Live plants and shrubs such as peppermint, lemongrass or anise.

Cloths and thin rods impregnated with odoriferous oils or alcohols.

After knowing all the alternatives, the next step is the type of aroma and fragrance starting from the entrance, going through the social areas and then the rooms.

Some decorators and space designers knowledgeable in the science of odors recommend the following:

In the lobby or hall, use natural fragrances with aromas of fruit, citrus, flowers, cucumber and rosemary, cinnamon and vanilla, so that guests feel welcome.

Upon reaching the living room, which is the space to socialize and feel comfortable, the recommendation is to use woody essences such as cedar and combine them with earthy aromas to enhance the entire decoration.

For the rooms, the fragrances to be used should be soft and relaxing so that they favor rest and serve as a prelude to a good sleep. Floral and fruit essences with chamomile, roses or jasmine.

Important, the choice of essence or fragrance must be in accordance with the personality of the person who uses the room and their age, it is not the same for a baby as for a teenager or adult.

In the bathrooms and toilet areas, marine fragrances or fresh herbs, pine or lemon that always suggest a feeling of cleanliness.

Finally, in the kitchen the best results are achieved using lemon, basil or mint, in addition to turning on the extractor when cooking and having activated carbon in the wastebasket to eliminate bad odors.


The first step is to take an X-ray of how the spaces in the home are arranged, as well as the furniture. Determine how you can use these quick tips and what types of odor sources need to be incorporated.

At @divinodisenousa we are attentive to listen to any concerns on the subject. Our design team is standing by to provide guidance or refer a particular question to an expert in the science of odors.


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