Wallpapers are a practical decoration alternative in almost any space, since they can be replaced with a certain frequency, without this implying too many costs and difficulties in their installation and uninstallation.

The options for wallpapering a wall are almost endless given the versatility of the materials with which they are made, from traditional paper – paper, to synthetic or textile fibers, wood residues, dry leaves from trees or natural fibers.

Thanks to the different production processes, the results are surprising and practically the possibilities of creating designs of all kinds are very wide. The current trend is to use materials that are friendly to the planet, which generate the minimum of waste and contamination.

The new generation of wallpapers are suitable for any space, even in places where their use was previously inconceivable, such as the kitchen, bathroom and terrace or balcony, giving them a touch of elegance and distinction.

And it does not necessarily have to be installed completely along a wall, it can be by areas, strips, even in the corners where two walls connect, to later be combined with other types of materials and special finishes.

The important thing is that it works and looks good.



The choice goes hand in hand with the way you want to transform a space and what you want to convey. A calm, peaceful and welcoming environment, or rather happy, fun and youthful; it can also be fresh, illuminated, and natural.

All possibilities are welcome.

To do this, the wallpapers are classified by motives, designs and uses. Some of the most common and conventional are the following:

Florals – Nature.

They are the classics and will never go out of style. They come in all styles, artistic, graphic, photographic, abstract, minimalist, and many more. Its use is related to the type of furniture and lighting in the place, and of course with the personal taste of whoever chooses it.

The recommendation is to look for a style that does not steal prominence from the other elements of that particular space, always looking for visual balance.


They are very striking and break with the uniformity of any space. Its use is a success if the furniture is modern and avant-garde like the Bauhaus style; also if the walls, floors and ceilings are flat colors.

Ideal for a living room – dining room, study or main room. Also in work spaces such as an office lobby or meeting room.


A wallpaper that exaggerates in texture manages to perfectly replace any wall finish made with construction materials such as: cement, concrete, sand, paint, among others.

The end result is an invitation to experiment with touch, run your hand over its surface to feel the irregularities and enjoy organoleptic pleasure.

It is ideal for evocative environments, vintage or industrial, in the Tech trend they work perfectly.


The graphics or motifs made from graphic or artistic design interventions that are repeated as modules throughout the entire length of the paper are an excellent decision, if the objective is to set a space that powerfully attracts attention.

This category has a wide portfolio of possibilities and ranges from the most subtle to designs that appeal to neon colors. In commercial environments such as bars, discos and some clothing stores, they are ideal, but if you want to intervene in a space at home such as a youth room or a games and entertainment room, it works perfectly.


An original photograph can become a wallpaper just like a classic image like a city panorama, an architectural detail or an iconic work like the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Opera House.

There are companies that personalize these works and turn them into ready-to-install wallpaper. The result is more than surprising, it is unique and gives a personal and intimate touch to the space where it is installed.



As we have mentioned throughout this article, all the design and style alternatives for wallpapers are the best, the important thing is that they work, they are liked, and the space looks balanced.

The first step is to define the style of decoration you want for that particular space, then identify the style of wallpaper that best suits and harmonizes with the furniture, lighting, flooring and decoration elements.

It is also advisable to seek the advice of a decorator who uses wallpaper in his projects, he will give you many good ideas.

At @divinodisenousa we can put you in touch with a professional who will help you make the best decision.

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