Part 1

Nature is an open window to the contemplation of life itself. Not in vain we have the need of a permanent contact with the natural landscape, appreciate it, feel it, and especially breathe it.

When we integrate part of the green scenery that surrounds us into our immediate environment, the positive effect is immediate, since the vegetation creates an atmosphere of tranquility and calmness.

Plants, flowers, and small shrubs generate a visual balance in the spaces we inhabit, whether it is a house or an apartment, even the office. That is why knowing which plants to choose and where to locate them is a key to achieve this integration.

The top specialized decorators who include plants in their projects share their preferences when choosing the most functional and aesthetically impressive species, as well as easily cared for and maintained.


(Chlorophytum comosum)

There are many varieties of spider plants. They can be found in different sizes and colors. The vast majority do not exceed 60 cm in height.

They are widely used as indoor plants thanks to being easy to grow in pots, but they can also be placed outside in warm climates. They are very resistant to weather changes, tolerating as low temperatures as -2°C.

Their long and luminous leaves hang gracefully all around it. Some species have tiny white flowers.

Ideal for any space and, due to their size, they are easy to place on coffee tables, auxiliary tables, bookcases, sideboards or on a floor support. They harmonize with other decoration elements and do not require much care, just water (twice a week) and regular cleaning to remove dry leaves, dust, and dead insects.


(Echeveria elegans crassulaceae)

They are one of the favorite plants of gardening lovers thanks to their wide variety of shapes, styles, and leave textures in an almost infinite range.

They are part of the same family as cacti, for this reason they are often mistaken for them. However their care is different; that is where the key to its conservation and longevity lies.

Succulents take up little space and can grow almost anywhere (indoors or outdoors). They are plants that accumulate a lot of water, so irrigation should only be weekly and in small doses. The recommended amount lies between 1.5 and 3.0 ounces per plant, depending on its size.

These plants have creative uses in decoration. They can grow fine and attractive in wide, low pots to form small oases, also in terrariums, hanging in nests or glass drops or simply in a pot.

Plants will always be a trend in decoration and interior spaces design. The natural factor generates the balance that an architectural environment requires. For this reason, in your next furniture renovation, seek the advice of an expert who will suggest which varieties are the most appropriate for the space you plan to intervene.

At @divinodisenousa we can guide you and contact you with a professional who will help you get your new furniture to harmonize with nature.

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